If you’re drinking, let Lyft drivers do the driving.

driver in mask

Research shows that when Lyft enters a market, ride volumes increase and DUI incidents decrease.*

Stat - 52% decrease in DUI charges
Location - Atlanta, GA
Stat - 40% decrease in DUI arrests
Location - Chicago, IL
Stat - 67% decrease in motor vehicle crash traumas
Location - Houston, TX
Stat - 40% decrease in DUI charges
Location - Los Angeles, CA


60% less likely to drive under the influence

According to our 2020 Lyft Economic Impact Report**, 60% of Lyft riders say they are less likely to drive under the influence because of Lyft.

Decrease in alcohol-related fatalities

Across the U.S., rideshare has been associated with an 11.4% decrease in alcohol-involved fatal crashes.***

With Lyft,58% of riders in Boston58% of riders in Boston64% of riders in Denver59% of riders in New York 57% of riders in Washington

are less likely to drive under the influence.


Responsible riding with dependable drivers.

two ppl in a illustration in a car

Lyft’s Safety Advisory Council

Lyft regularly partners with government agencies, non-profit groups, and law enforcement organizations on efforts to reduce impaired driving. Our dedicated Safety Advisory Council is made up of expert organizations that advise Lyft on current and planned safety initiatives.


United State of Women (USOF) logo
It’s on Us logo
Human Rights Campaign logo
Black Women’s Roundtable logo
RAINN logo
National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives logo
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives logo
NSA logo

*(Atlanta, Chicago) Casanova Powell Consulting and Dr. Ryan C. Smith, “Rideshare Volume and DUI Incidents in Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; and Fort Worth, Texas,” NDAA, March. 26, 2021.
(Houston) Conner, Christopher R., Hunter M. Ray, Ryan M. McCormack, Jacqueline S. Dickey, Samantha L. Parker. Xu Zhang, Roberto M. Vera, John A. Harvin, and Ryan S. Kitagawa. 2021. “Association of Rideshare Use With Alcohol Associated Motor Vehicle Crash Trauma.” JAMA Surgery 156(8):731-738.

** 2020 Lyft Economic Impact Report rider survey. This excludes the percent of riders who replied 'not applicable'.

*** Martin-Buck, Frank. 2017. Responsible Options: Empirical Analyses on the Effects of Alternative Transportation on Drunk Driving. Unpublished Dissertation: University of Texas at Austin.
(Los Angeles) Casanova Powell Consulting and Dr. Ryan C. Smith, “Rideshare Volume and DUI Incidents in Target California Communities,” NDAA, Sept. 28, 2020.