
“Sweet,” “Beautiful Spirit,” “Fresh Breath”: Women+ Rides, in Riders’ Own Words

Sarah Conlisk - Feb 14, 2024

Since the fall of 2023, over 50 cities across the U.S. have had access to Women+ Connect —  a feature that lets women and nonbinary riders and drivers ride together more often — and nearly 7 million Women+ Connect rides have been completed. Now that the feature is available nationwide, it’s a good time to look back and see how those Women+ Connect rides went, according to feedback from riders. 

This is a word cloud of the words that were more likely to be included in rider comments for Women+ Connect rides, relative to other rides.

The word cloud displays some of the top words that show up in feedback for a Women+ Connect ride, relative to other rides, for markets with the feature since November 2023.

Some words that leaped out were sweet (572% more common), energy (194% more common), comfortable (62% more common), conversation (34% more common), and care (34% more common). 

The next chart considers the most common bigrams, or two-word combinations, that appear in the feedback for Women+ rides, relative to other rides.

The chart shows the likelihood that a bigram shows up in feedback for a Women+ Connect ride, over other rides, for markets with the feature since November 2023.

The bigrams “love personality” and “beautiful spirit” were roughly 20 times more likely to appear in feedback for Women+ rides than in other rides, along with more niche feedback, such as “fresh breath” and “super funny” (4x as likely). 

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what do the most common emoji tell us about a Women+ Connect ride?

The chart shows the percentage of how more likely an emoji shows up in feedback on a Women+ Connect ride, compared with another ride, for markets with the feature since November 2023.

Lots of love in those cars! The emoji most likely to show up in Women+ ride feedback include a growing heart (💗, 250% more likely), the two-heart emoji (💕, 220% more likely), and, at 140% more likely, a single red rose (🌹).