Schedule ahead, stress less

Your ride is prioritized when you schedule ahead with Lyft. Lock in your pickup time and price, up to 30 days in advance.

Enter your phone number to get started.

By clicking “Sign up now,” you agree to Lyft's Terms of Service and acknowledge you have read our Privacy Policy.

By providing your phone number and clicking “Sign up now”, you consent to receive text messages from Lyft. Text messages may be autodialed, and data rates may apply. The frequency of text messages varies. You may text STOP to cancel any time.

Set your plans

Lock in your pickup time and price, up to 30 days in advance.

Reliable rides

Scheduled rides are the first to be matched with drivers. Your pickup will go as planned, so you can stress less about travel.

Flexible cancellation policy

You can cancel or edit your ride up to one hour before your pickup time. If you’re running late, the driver will wait for you.