Want more bike rides with Lyft Pink?

We’re always looking for ways to provide our riders with the best transportation options. We’d love to hear from you to help us bring more bike rides to your city with Lyft Pink. Thanks for registering interest!

Contact Information

Are you currently a Lyft Pink Member?

In what zip code do you want access to bike rides as part of your Lyft Pink membership?

What's your age? (Optional)

What gender do you best identify with? (Optional)

Approximately how many bike rides a month would you take through Lyft Pink?

Why do you want bike rides as part of your Lyft Pink membership? (Optional)

What comments or questions do you have about Lyft Pink? (Optional)

I want to learn more! Lyft can contact me about Lyft Pink. (Note: Lyft will only contact you if you check "Yes" below).

Participation in this survey is subject to Lyft's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.